Meet Our Team

Bryan Aleman: RADT - CADC Intern
Bryan dropped out of high school at the age of 15. He associated with negative influences and was placed into a recovery treatment center. Unfortunately, when Bryan was released, he began using drugs immediately and, as a result, became homeless. Bryan attributed this experience to a negative belief system, one that said he was “not enough” and that the world was a cruel place. It wasn’t until he experienced a nasty breakup and then witnessed his brother’s addiction, as well as that of other close relatives, that he was given the gift of desperation, accepted his recovery, and changed the story of his life; he then devoted his life to helping others who wanted to sustain their own recovery.
As a fitness professional, Bryan Aleman believes that physical fitness and mental health go hand in hand. Trained and well versed in the Pranayama breathing technique (Breathworks), Bryan aspires to help individuals in need through his personal experiences in life and group facilitating skills. Bryan is passionate about his practice and its benefits because he has the opportunity to support clients through hard times in their recovery and guide them to a new way of living. As an artist, Bryan believes it is never too late to make your life a masterpiece.
“I’m proud to be a part of Guiding Hands Healthcare because I have the opportunity to share a new perspective of healing with people in need. Additionally, Guiding Hands Healthcare allows me to engage with clients and better understand how to serve them in their times of need.”
Bryan Aleman